Phones are getting bigger, computers are getting smaller. Technology is going to be even more important in the coming years. Schools don’t use chalk boards or even white boards any more – they use “smart boards” – giant computers. Smart phones, tablets and Ipads have become extremely popular across all generations. Elementary school kids have their own technology and so does grandma and grandpa….and everyone in between. If this is true, it is imperative for you to have a mobile website.
Use a smart phone or a tablet (or both) – type in your website and study how it looks. Do you have to zoom in to read the words or click on a tab? Is the phone number a hot link which makes a call directly from the website? Does the site look centered and easy to read? If you answered NO to any of these questions, chances are you do not have a mobile friendly site. About 4-5 years ago it was very popular to build a SEPARATE mobile friendly site so a consumer would be directed to the mobile site if they were using a mobile device and at the bottom of the page it would say “Go To Desktop Version” or something similar to that. This is NOT the optimal way to build a site any more.
A responsive site is the new technology which makes your desktop version of the site shrink to a tablet size AND to a smartphone size with only ONE website. (this website) is a responsive design website – Just take your cursor to the right side and shrink the site – As you make it smaller and smaller you will see the difference of what it looks like on a desktop, tablet or cell phone. Here is another example: